RIP Dr. Jack Kevorkian

Jack Kevorkian

Dead at 83.

Kevorkian suffered a pulmonary thrombosis when a blood clot from his leg broke free and lodged in his heart.

“It was peaceful. He didn’t feel a thing.”

Getting a Discount on Inflight Wi-Fi

wifiThis is something I found on LifeHacker which might come in handy…

How to Lie, Cheat, and Steal Your Way to a Perfect FlightInternet access isn’t particularly cheap when you’re getting it on an airplane. In fact, the cost of access for a single flight can be comparable to what some people pay for basic DSL for an entire month. We’ve looked at how to get cheap or free inflight wi-fi before, but one tip has stood up to the test of time.

Because you’re less likely to consume the same amount of data on your mobile phone as you would on a laptop, your phone gets a cheaper rate. It’s not much cheaper, but it usually works out to about 20% off. If you want to pay this lower rate but still use your laptop (or tablet, which is considered a computer) you just have to identify your web browser as a phone when you sign up. This is pretty easy to do. If you’re running Safari, you can select your browser’s user agent from the Debug menu. If you need to enable the Debug menu, you can do so with the following terminal command:

defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 1

Changing the user agent in Firefox is also pretty easy if you install the User Agent Switcher add-on.

Once you’ve identified yourself as a mobile phone and signed up, you can switch back to a normal user agent and use the connection normally.

William Burroughs & Allen Ginsberg Art in Chicago

burroughsHey Chicagoans! There’s a new documentary about William S. Burroughs that is premiering on January 21st at the Music Box Theater entitled, William S. Burroughs: A Man Within.” In addition, artistic works of cultural icons Allen Ginsberg and William S. Burroughs will be featured at Th!nkArt Salon in conjunction with the premiere of the film.

From Th!nk’ArtSalon’s website: Celebrate the artistic works of cultural icons Allen Ginsberg & William S. Burroughs at the Th!nkArtSalon. The opening reception will be between 5:30 P.M. and  9:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 20, 2011.

Allen Ginsberg’s photogaphic work on display provides a rare glimpse into a generation of free expression and rebellious thinkers from the 1950′s, including candid snapshots of his friends William S. Burroughs, Neal Cassady, Jack Kerouac as well as self-portraits.  William S. Burroughs’ works on paper and shotgun paintings push the artistic boundaries paralleling the spirit of both of their written work. The reception will feature a live performance of Ginsberg’s seminal poem, “Howl” by Kevin Coval.

RIP Bill Zeller

Bill Zeller

Bill Zeller was a programming student at Princeton who killed himself on Wednesday, January 5, 2011. The note he left behind is being published, in it’s entirety around the innernets, and really, I think people should read it. It speaks of  his struggle with the horrors of his youth, the darkness that comes with depression and religious intolerance. Maybe if people all understood that everybody is struggling with something, they’d cease to treat others with the meanness that is so common in our society.

A memorial service is being planned for Princeton graduate student William “Bill” Zeller, who died Jan. 5, 2011, at a local hospital as a result of injuries sustained in a suicide attempt at his home near campus. He was 27.

A University service will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 15, in the Garden Room of Prospect House with a reception immediately afterward. The service is open to members of the Princeton University campus community and Zeller’s family and friends.

A native of Middletown, Conn., Zeller was pursuing a doctoral degree in computer science, having earned his master’s degree from Princeton in 2008. He received his bachelor’s degree from Trinity College in 2006. He was active in the Graduate Student Government and participated in an influential technology blog, among other activities.

Oil Spill Not Over, Tar Balls Wash Ashore @ Fort Morgan

OK, this is totally a bummer. This is our favorite beach.

By: Chad Petri

FORT MORGAN, Alabama – When BP crews return to the job Monday they’ll have plenty to do. There were still tarballs washing up on some beaches. This is video from the bay side of Fort Morgan beach this morning. Cleanup crews have been on a holiday break but are slated to get back on the job Monday.

BP officials didn’t provide us with an interview today but a spokesman did issue a written statement. It reads as follows:

“Beach cleanup operations will resume across Alabama’s beaches Monday, January 3rd, following the holiday break. We’ve stated all along that we expect the beaches to be clean by spring break 2011 tourism season. That’s been our goal and commitment all along and we are making steady progress towards meeting that goal.”

“While most of the oil has been removed, BP will continue to clean all oiled areas until the job is done. BP is working with state and federal agencies, as well as local communities, to determine when the job will be officially completed.”




Battle of the Fang Pics

OK, this has been one of the silliest and funnest competitions that I’ve ever been part of. Alexander Skarsgard and Stephen Moyer agreed to participate in the competition to see which “Team” could raise the most money for charity. Team Bill won and these are the pics that Stephen Moyer sent us. The competition was co-organized by our friends at and we raised over $70,000 for charity. Oh yeah, I designed the t-shirts 😉



Read all about the Battle of the Fang at

Wii: Not Just For Vampires

Vampire Bill Wii

Fact: I get addicted to video games.

Fact: I am bored with excercise.

So, I had this bright idea to get a Wii system and hopefully get addicted to the more active games that it offers. I asked around to see if the Wii Fit was any good and the consensus was that it will probably do what I need it to do. So, the decision was made to purchase the Wii console & Wii Fit. Dan did the procuring, and one day later we were in business. We hooked it up to the TV in the living room.

The Fit was on order from Amazon, but the sports package and Sports Resort came with the Wii. I popped in the Resort, made my Mii and was on my way to fun in Wiiland. Long story short, after playing around with all the sports in the Resort, my favorite turned out to be the sword fighting.

The only problem was the dogs wanted to be near me when I was playing – this wasn’t going to work. So, one 50″ TV later, I’m sword fighting and doing the Fit in the basement. I have to say that this so far has been so much fun – and if it gets me off my WoW-playing arse, that’s a good thing. Thanks to Dan for procuring all the items, cleaning out the basement and painting the wall!

Sorry Vampire Bill, golf just isn’t cutting it though.


rae-smalllucretiaJanuary 1, 1993 – October 23, 2002

RIP Sekin

sekinNovember 19, 1990 – October 19, 2006