New Han Solo Movie – Not Sure How I Feel About This

Hmmm. So they’re making a prequel to tell Han’s story eh? This could be fucking fantastic or could really suck completely. The good news is that it’s to be written by Lawrence Kasdan and his son, Jon. Now, Lawrence wrote “The Empire Strikes Back,” undisputedly the best of the Star Wars movies, so there is a great deal of talent and hope here.

Chris Pratt, the dude in “Guardians of the Galaxy,” of course, is the fan favorite to portray Han. I could see it.

Han Solo solo project will hit theaters in 2018.

Han Solo Shoots Self


Read story @ CNN

RIP Star Baby

Star baby

Too sad right now.

Hidden Couch Kitty

I can’t stop watching this!

kitty will get you

Possibly the Best Colbert Music Video When MTV Disallows Daft Punk

The Colbert Report
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Porn Sex vs Real Sex

RIP Dixie

02.10.2000 – 03.04.2013

She will be missed.

Anybody Want a Free Crappy Couch?

Sad Sad Sofa

Thanks to everyone that came to our house and didn’t mention this horrible thing.

So, we bought this awesome couch in 2009. It came with a sofa bed and we were really excited about it.  We picked out our fabric and about 6 weeks later, it was delivered – we were so happy.

Flash forward almost four years and the thing is haggard – I mean more Haggard than Merle. It seems like the fabric is just disintegrating before our eyes. It’s been slowly doing this over the years but we never thought it would get this bad. We contacted the place we bought it – At Home Furnishings in Homewood, AL, and they didn’t think they could do anything for us at all.

Then we sent an email to the furniture company themselves, Rowe Furniture, and while the man was very nice who responded to my emails, and admitted that this fabric had a defect, he doesn’t think that there is anything the company can do for us because they only have a 1 year warranty on their fabric. Gaahh! So anyway, we’re patiently waiting to see if the company will stand behind their product, but again, the nice guy I emailed with mostly gave me the impression we tossed $4500 down the crapper.

There is nothing I hate more than spending money on stuff only to buy the same thing again over and over. Because where I come from, a $4500 sofa should last longer than 4 years. @DanClingan thinks so too.

So anyway, we’re in the market for another sofa – we’ve been looking at a bunch of places and are finding that the warranty for fabric is about 5 years on couches at the stores we’ve been looking at (much better than At Home Furnishings or Rove Furniture).  Anyone have any suggestions? If you have the awesome ability to reupholster this thing, I want to talk to you too!

Crazy Pygmy Goat!

Binders Full of Women

Binders Full of Women

Please visit for more hilarious binders full of women imagery!

RIP Juna



She had a fierce will to live but in the end her body just quit on her. She’ll be missed.