OK, this is totally a bummer. This is our favorite beach.
By: Chad Petri
FORT MORGAN, Alabama – When BP crews return to the job Monday they’ll have plenty to do. There were still tarballs washing up on some beaches. This is video from the bay side of Fort Morgan beach this morning. Cleanup crews have been on a holiday break but are slated to get back on the job Monday.
BP officials didn’t provide us with an interview today but a spokesman did issue a written statement. It reads as follows:
“Beach cleanup operations will resume across Alabama’s beaches Monday, January 3rd, following the holiday break. We’ve stated all along that we expect the beaches to be clean by spring break 2011 tourism season. That’s been our goal and commitment all along and we are making steady progress towards meeting that goal.”
“While most of the oil has been removed, BP will continue to clean all oiled areas until the job is done. BP is working with state and federal agencies, as well as local communities, to determine when the job will be officially completed.”