Lungs now?

So I finally had a phone conference with my GP about the clot issue. She wonders why they only did ultrasound on one leg and not everywhere. So that is a question I don’t know the answer to. She is now still trying to set me up with a nephrologist due to the stress hormone situation and also with someone who can check my lungs for clots – as this is now another concern of hers.

Insurance says I can probably get the drug I need, Eliquis ,tomorrow – so that is probably good if it comes through. In the meantime, a friend of mine sent me some that she had leftover. It’s not as many mgs as the ones I need but they will definitely do in a pinch. So I am grateful for that.

Update: The soonest I can get in to see the nephrologist is end of January. 3 months from now.