Health Update

On 10.23.2024 I got the results of my CT scan of abdomen – nothing was out of place. Well, they did realize I have only one kidney but did not find a big adrenal tumor or a ball of cancer (kidney situation here). For this, I am relieved. However, my doc is still sending me to a nephrologist (kidney specialist) to figure out why I’m throwing off too many metanephrines (flight or fight hormones that come from adrenal glands). My BPM is crazy and when I try to go to sleep, it feels like I am running. Even with the Metoprolol (drug to treat heart failure etc) it is still way too high for normal. I don’t feel like eating either.

10.24.2024: Went to Healthsouth for a follow up of the Holter monitor and all the other heart tests. A doctor didn’t see me but NP Amanda did. She told me all the tests do not show any heart failure or anomaly. – whew! that’s good right (my sister was diagnosed with diastolic heart failure recently!)? Then we got to talking and I told her about my other symptoms – numbness in right arm, strange palpatations in my left leg, swollen ankle (not adema kind), and Amanda, somehow got me in for a leg ultrasound in the same hour I was there. Guess what? The ultrasound guy found a blood clot in my artery – femoral artery.

This is sort of a fluke the NP even listened. The cardiologist didn’t pay attention to this, my GP knows but didn’t order leg ultrasound. After this young lady gave me the good news that my heart isn’t busted, she actually listened and got me the ultrasound and result within 2 hours. I am all amazement at this.

Amanda has said this is probably not the only problem but it is a MAJOR problem that I need to address right away. So she gives me a prescription for a blood thinner – Eliquis. I should take it 4xs a day for a week and then take 2x a day for 3 months. At that time they will do another ultrasound to see if they cleared it out.

Except my insurance cancelled the prescription. So, another fight on the phone with BCBS so that I can get the drug ASAP. The drug is $400 for me but apparetly retails for $2139.84. Anyway, the pharmacist calls my doc and insurance and they decide that I can have only 28 of these pills ($68). So I’ve started to try to kill the clot with hopes I can get more so that I can do the 3 month recommendation from NP Amanda. Don’t forget that that my insurance says that I cannot go to this facility after the new year. So I have to find a way to get insurance that will allow me to come back to HealthSouth.

As of today (10.25.2024), they denied again the prescription.

So now, trying to get the appointment with the nephrologist because hey, mr kidney, I need you to keep working too and fighting with BCBS to get what I need to … well, who knows? JUST LIVE.