Author's posts

Wii: Not Just For Vampires

Fact: I get addicted to video games. Fact: I am bored with excercise. So, I had this bright idea to get a Wii system and hopefully get addicted to the more active games that it offers. I asked around to see if the Wii Fit was any good and the consensus was that it will …

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January 1, 1993 – October 23, 2002

RIP Sekin

November 19, 1990 – October 19, 2006

Silly Old Spice Commercial

Norwegian Boy saves Sister from Moose Attack using World of Warcraft Skills

See? So nobody tell me I’m wasting my time on WoW, dig? I’m learning valuable life skills…. Hans Jørgen Olsen, a 12-year-old Norwegian boy, saved himself and his sister from a moose attack using skills he picked up playing the online role playing game World of Warcraft. Hans and his sister got into trouble after …

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Sadly neglecting this site. Here, have a goofy picture.

Dan @Nola Jazzfest 2010

Waiting for Big Sam’s Funky Nation

iPad has Shipped!

Looks like the iPad might make it to our house on or before the release date of 0403! Oh and hey, that’s a grand thing as it’s Dan’s birthday! I guess the early adopters will get their new toy on schedule.

Work when you feel like it –> become more productive

Hey Corporate America. Read or Listen to this segment on NPR. It’s all about how if you trust your employees to run their own lives that they’ll become more productive – FOR YOU. Really. A public agency in Minnesota is engaged in a cutting-edge experiment with flexible work schedules. It’s called a results-only work environment, …

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Smoking buddies

Heh, Granny & Jane Hathaway smoke Winston cigarettes.